
Customer Experience Assessment

Identifying where you stand and where you could be.

A discovery and workshop based approach, engaging your team from customer service agents to CX leaders through workshops and interviews.

This collaborative approach helps us understand the nuances of your current CX maturity and setup.

We lay out an overview of findings, impact of current state and tailored recommendations. This might include adopting new technologies or optimising what you already have, always with an eye on integrating your efforts into a cohesive CX solution

Deliverable: Insightful conclusions and a vision for your CX setup that's both actionable and achievable. Should a specific CX solution be in your sights, we're ready to bring it to life with a solution demo to support the recommendations

Deliverable:  A detailed CX blueprint, including proposed solution architecture, a roadmap with actionable insights to enhance every customer touchpoint. Not just a document, but a workbook based on a vision for elevating your customer experience helping you create loyal customers and build brand ambassadors

Customer Experience Design

Often an organic next step based on the output from the Customer Experience Assessment 

Through strategic analysis and creative design, Customer Experience Design focuses on identifying gaps and bridging any disconnects your customers might experience and identify the root cause.

But it's also about building on successes, amplifying what already works well and it's potential to be replicated in other areas, ensuring consistent customer satisfaction across all channels and touchpoints.

Solution Advisory

The principle of informed choice and fully enabled buyers

Tailored for businesses at a crossroads with their CX solutions - whether it's a fresh start or re-investning in what you already have by enhancing the existing setup

This engagement often naturally follows the Customer Experience Assessment and Design phase, drawing on the deep insights gained into your current CX landscape. 

It's not just about procurement, the focus is on empowering not just the financial decision-makers but all who will champion and use the software daily.

Deliverable: A clear overview of available solutions, their functionalities, and their fit for the your requirements, with recommendations and insights to guide your decision-making process.